If you’re wondering why your child wets the bed, you’re not alone. There are many different causes of bedwetting, from medical conditions to changes in your family’s life. These causes are outlined in this article. If you don’t see a cause listed here, consult a doctor to get more information. Listed below are common causes of bedwetting, as well as some treatments for them.

Medical causes of bedwetting

There are several medical causes of bedwetting in kids. Some children are born with small bladders and do not produce enough vasopressin, the hormone that helps the body to control its own urine production during sleep. Stress and other changes in the family can also trigger bedwetting in kids. A child experiencing prolonged bedwetting may experience embarrassment and discomfort, as well as develop rashes and other unpleasant skin conditions.

The most common cause of bedwetting is an infection in the urinary tract. This infection causes frequent urination and inflammation of the bladder. Urinary tract infections are treatable, but many children do not seek medical attention for this condition. However, the symptoms of bedwetting in kids can be triggered by a variety of causes, including family history and attention-deficit disorder. While these causes are often overlooked, they are worth exploring.

Secondary enuresis is another possibility. Children of parents who wet the bed have a 40 percent to 70% chance of developing the same problem. The most common medical cause of secondary enuresis is stress, which can be caused by a variety of factors. Moving, losing a loved one, or undergoing a divorce can all cause stress and can be treated to stop bedwetting. The best treatment for secondary enuresis in kids is to treat the source of stress and help your child stop it altogether.

Primary nocturnal enuresis is a condition where your child does not wake up dry after the night. It is not caused by psychiatric issues or emotional problems, and often occurs due to small bladder capacity or an overactive bladder. Symptoms of primary nocturnal enuresis usually include a small bladder capacity, an increased output of urine, and a delayed brain regulation of the bladder.

Sleep patterns

While sleep patterns of kids who wet the bed differ from those of children with dry nights, these disorders have many overlapping characteristics. A child with bedwetting often lacks uninterrupted sleep cycles and has trouble waking up to urinate. These behaviors often compromise a child’s ability to learn, perform, and complete schoolwork. Some of the common underlying causes of bedwetting are a lack of sleep, poor sleep schedule, and too little sleep. In some cases, a medical problem, such as obstructive sleep apnea, can cause bedwetting. An imbalanced sleep cycle can affect the brain’s chemical balance and result in bedwetting.

The research team used SPSS for Windows, version 10, to analyze the data. Longitudinal weights were used to limit the biases associated with the measurements, and overall nonresponse and dropout rates were controlled. Children were classified into 2 groups according to their bed-wetting status, with a non-bedwetter category representing children who never or rarely wet the bed. Children who wet the bed were categorized according to their age, gender, and the severity of their problem.

The study used actigraphic measures to measure sleep duration and motionlessness. These measures were averaged across all nights of the study period. All parents signed informed consent forms and school-aged children completed questionnaires. After participating, the children underwent three to five monitoring days. Parents and children completed questionnaires and sleep diary instructions. The data collected from the two groups were compared to those of the controls. If statistical differences were found, the study will have important implications for the treatment of enuresis.

While children who wet the bed tend to be “deep sleepers,” the lack of communication between the brain and bladder may result in frequent bedwetting. This may be due to the pelvic floor relaxing during sleep. The brain-bladder control process develops over time with age and therapy. While the majority of children eventually become continent at night, deep sleepers take longer to do so. They may wake up to urinate, resulting in a bedwetting problem.


Children who wet the bed may be stress-related. While most kids don’t have behavior issues, they may experience sleep incontinence or urinary tract infection. Symptoms of ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder can also contribute to nocturnal enuresis. Most children who wet the bed do not have symptoms of either disorder, but it is still important to be aware of the symptoms.

Children who have been dry for a long time may suddenly start wetting the bed due to stress. When they are anxious, the hormone vasopressin decreases, which results in large amounts of dilute wee that the bladder cannot hold. To determine the cause of sleep-incontinence, talk to your child about their worries and concerns as a family. A medical evaluation will reveal any underlying causes of bedwetting.

Changing routines can cause stress in children. This can disrupt sleep patterns, causing children to drink liquids late at night. Children with low self-esteem are also more likely to have chronic bed-wetting problems. Additionally, kids who have parents who wet the bed are more likely to suffer from enuresis. The best way to handle stress is to stay calm. Stress is a natural emotion and can cause any number of problems, from bedwetting to anxiety.

The first step in treating kids who wet the bed is to address the underlying cause. Make sure your child maintains a routine, and be compassionate. In addition, try to learn about the techniques that are effective for recognizing and responding to infant signals. If they continue to wet the bed after the first few days of toilet training, you may want to seek professional help. Stress can be an important source of worry, and it’s crucial to help your child learn how to handle it.

Changes in family

Psychological disturbances are not a major cause of nocturnal enuresis, but a child who wets the bed at night may exhibit symptoms of ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder. Although the latter may contribute to nocturnal enuresis, the majority of kids who wet the bed do not have such disorders. Nevertheless, dealing with the problem can have a negative impact on a child’s quality of life and self-esteem.

Some of the most common factors that cause kids to wet the bed include hormonal changes, physical abuse, and chronic illness. Major life changes, such as divorce, pregnancy, or moving house, may also cause bedwetting. Physical and sexual abuse may also trigger a child to wet the bed. Other causes of enuresis include obstructive sleep apnea and a pinworm infection, which can lead to intense itching and urination.

Stress may also lead to chronic bedwetting. Children whose parents have frequent urination during the night may be more likely to develop a low self-esteem. If their parents have bedwetting problems themselves, their kids may feel more anxious about going to sleep at their friends’ homes. A lack of bladder control can also affect a child’s relationship with their peers. Parents who experience frequent urination at night are also more likely to experience bedwetting in their children.

Children experiencing a family change may be more likely to wet the bed at night if they are living with an enuresis parent. If you’re not sure if it’s anxiety or stress-related, talk to a GP. Your child’s GP can determine underlying causes for bedwetting and provide treatment for your child. If the situation is serious, it’s worth seeing a psychologist for a thorough evaluation.

Inherited condition

If your child wets the bed every night, there may be a genetic element. If your child’s parents were bedwetters, they may have been affected by a condition called enuresis. Children who wet the bed are likely to have a corresponding structural problem in the urinary system. Stress or stressful situations can trigger your child to wet the bed, as can attention-deficit disorder or family history.

Genetic testing can pinpoint the specific gene responsible for the problem. Some studies have linked genetics to bedwetting and found that boys are more likely than girls to wet the bed. The Danish Centre for Genome Research studied 11 families where bed-wetting was common. Researchers found that seven out of 11 members of one family had the disorder. This has made it possible to identify the defective gene that causes the bedwetting problem.

Although the cause of bedwetting is unknown, there are general strategies for treatment. To treat a child who wets the bed, parents must be patient, encourage their child, and avoid punishing them for not being able to hold it. Punishment will only make the problem worse. Be sure to be positive and encourage your child on good nights as well as bad ones. And remember that even though it is embarrassing, it doesn’t mean your child has a genetic disorder.

Researchers from the Danish University of Aarhus have identified gene variants that increase the risk of bedwetting. The genes implicated in the study function in areas of the brain where day-night rhythms are regulated. Moreover, they play an important role in sleep patterns and urine production. The study also indicates that underlying physiological mechanisms contribute to bedwetting. Inherited genes are responsible for the majority of bedwetting cases.